miércoles, octubre 25, 2006

15/10/06 - Euskadi

Every year a college organizes a party in the north of Navarra to gain money for their programs supporting EUSKERA, the basque language. This year, approximately 120.000 people where there!
It was a huge party that attracted everyone in favour of the basque country, its' language and culture. Thus, almost everybody was speaking in Euskera and also the flyers you got were incomprehensible to me. Euskera is the language of the basque people, spoken in the Basque Country and parts of Navarra. Just like Finnish and Hungarian, Euskera can not be traced back to any language family - so trying to understand it without never having studied it is impossible.

One typical sport in Euskadi (the Basque Country) is a shepherd trying to guide sheep around fences with his dog - great stuff!

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